If you use aloe to prevent infections or to heal wounds, you already know many of the benefits. You also know how aloe supports people with an immunological infection or disease. The following article will help you learn more about aloe’s amazing properties and healthful benefits.
The gel and juice of the aloe vera plant are applied or consumed worldwide. Extracts of the plant have been proven to prevent immunological infections and heal skin lesions and burns. Indeed, aloe is powerful when it comes to detoxification and proves to be a superior product. You can also use the gel or juice as an antiseptic and for antiviral support. Used as a health tonic, aloe contains a large amount of vitamins, including the B vitamins and vitamin C and E.
Moreover, 19 of 20 amino acids are found in aloe vera, along with 7 of 8 essential amino acids that cannot be produced in the body.. The aloe plant produces at least 6 antiseptic agents that kill and control bacteria, fungus, viruses, and mold. Therefore, aloe has the innate ability to counteract mold and kill viruses, both internally and externally. The antiseptic agents produced by aloe vera include salicylic acid, urea nitrogen, lupeol, phenols, cinnamic acid, and sulphur.
The lupeol and salicylic acid in the juice are effective painkillers. In addition, aloe contains at least three fatty acids that fight inflammation, including captesterol, cholesterol, and β-sitosterol. These fatty acids are used to treat the following:
- Abrasions and scrapes
- Allergic reactions
- Rheumatic fever
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Inflammation of the digestive tract and internal organs, such as the pancreas, kidneys, colon, and liver.
Polypeptides Control Immune System Disorders
Moreover, around 23 polypeptides are found in aloe juice which control disorders of the immune system. The aloe agents, aloe emodin and aloe lectins are used to treat tumorous cancers.
Holistically, aloe is the best herbal answer to heal the body and provide optimum health to patients who suffer from immunological infections and disease. That is why you cannot overlook the preventive and life-giving properties of the aloe vera plant – a plant that is considered a power food and pharmacological wonder.
The Cumulative Effects of Using Aloe
Let’s explore the cumulative health benefits of the plant.
When taken regularly, aloe vera juice ensures a better feeling of well-being – a feeling that permits energy levels to increase and the realization of a healthier body weight. Because it builds immunity, aloe is ideal for anyone who has a chronic immune disorder, such as fibromyalgia. That is because the polysaccharides in the juice promote the development of macrophages. Macrophages are the white blood cells that fight viruses.
The detoxification properties of aloe permit a cleansing of the system and nutritional support in the form of a cocktail of minerals and vitamins. In addition, aloe reduces the inflammation that is associated with age, thereby improving cell regeneration and joint usage. The juice strengthens the joints, which reduces the weakness and pain associated with aging.
Treating Autoimmune Disorders
Among its properties, aloe may be used to treat autoimmune disorders with excellent results. An autoimmune disorder will either cause a low or high level of activity in the immune system. This can cause the body to attack its own tissues. As a result, the body cannot fight foreign organisms, which makes people more susceptible to infection.
Examples of autoimmune disorders include type 1 diabetes, lupus, inflammatory bowel disease, and rheumatoid arthritis. When the white blood cells or macrophages are stimulated, they can more easily fight the foreign microorganisms that invade the immune system. Aloe can do this, as it contains a substance known as acemannan, which is also a polysaccharide. Moreover, aloe vera contains an immune system booster because of its high amount of antioxidants. These antioxidants help destroy the free radicals that trigger aging and disease.
How Aloe Vera Controls Infections and Disease
Basically, aloe vera contains compounds that serve as immune system modulators. The compounds can increase or decrease the immune system response so the body can stay protected.
When the juice of the aloe vera plant is drunk, it absorbs any toxins in the intestinal tract. The toxins, in turn, are usually eliminated via the colon. Because the juice alkalizes the system and removes waste, the skin improves over time as well. The antioxidants in the plant kill the free radicals that damage and wrinkle the skin. Therefore, aloe protects you from infection and makes you more beautiful.
With that being said, you still have to realize that the plant is medicinally potent, and therefore should not be abused in any form. If you are not sure about internal use, you should consult with a holistic health practitioner or your doctor. Some studies have shown that taking aloe vera long-term can cause a loss of electrolytes, particularly potassium. Therefore, the use of the juice is safe, provided you take periodic breaks.
Naturally, everyone is different in this respect. That is why you need to consult with a doctor about how you wish to use aloe to support your immune system response. For example, you may want to drink the juice to combat rheumatoid arthritis. If so, you should find out the best way to consume the gel or juice, or take aloe in capsule form as a supplement.
An autoimmune disorder can affect people in different ways, impacting one of various body parts, including the brain, nerves, organs, eyes, heart, or skin. It can also affect blood flow, the digestive tract, the kidneys, muscles, and lungs. Scientists have found that aloe is a miracle plant – one that can restore anyone with an immune system infection or disorder with renewed health.
AMP – A Key Component
For example, the aloe mucilaginous polysaccharide or AMP is a key component in many aloe supplements. This component is a major reason why aloe benefits the immune response. In turn, you can realize better health through the following:
- Increased blood flow
- Anti-oxidized cells
- Restoration of the immune system
- Balanced blood sugar levels
- Cell regeneration
- Antiviral support
- Immune system stabilization
These kinds of benefits cannot be ignored, especially in uncertain times, when your health can be compromised. That is why it pays to learn more about the benefits of using aloe in the form of a food or medicinal.
By learning more about immune system functioning and certain deficiencies, you can see how aloe can benefit you.
Primary Immunodeficiency Disorders
Primary immunodeficiency disorders weaken the immune system and trigger infections. They may also be termed as primary immunodeficiencies or primary immune disorders. Again, people with the disorders are more susceptible to the germs that lead infection. While some immunodeficiency condition sare mild, others are discovered soon after birth.
One of the main indicators of a primary immunodeficiency are frequent infections. These infections are harder to manage and longer-lasting, and may take the form of the following:
- Frequent recurrence of bronchitis, sinus infections, skin infections, bronchitis, meningitis, or ear infections.
- Infection of internal organs.
- Blood disorders, such as anemia.
- Loss of appetite, nausea, or cramping.
- Delayed development during the growth years.
- Autoimmune system disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus.
Many of these disorders are genetic in nature and can lead to complications, including frequent infections, damage to the nervous system and lungs, slowed growth rates, an increased risk of cancer, or death from infection.
Enhancing Your Immune Health
Whether you have an autoimmune system disorder or wish to protect yourself from an immunological infection, you need to supplement your diet with a nutritional substance, such as aloe vera.
It is also important that you practice the following:
- Good hygiene. Always wash your hands with an aloe-based soap and use a sanitizer for the hands that contains aloe and isopropyl alcohol.
- Brush your teeth twice a day and floss daily.
- Remain physically active. Ask your physician about the exercises that are right for you.
- Get enough rest. Get into the habit of getting up and going to bed at the same times each day.
- Manage your level of stress. Stress can affect the immune system and weaken it. Therefore, maintain a low stress level by meditating, practicing yoga, learning biofeedback, or getting a massage.
- Keep your distance. Stay away from people who have colds. Try to avoid crowds, when possible.
- Ask about vaccinations. Find out what vaccinations you should get, given your health and age.
When you combine the above activities with using aloe, you can improve your immune system, if not restore it.
To further look into the immunological response, it helps to define immunology and how it affects us daily.
What is Immunology?
Basically immunology permits scientists to study and better understand the immune system – a system adapted and designed to protect us from infection through two main lines of defense. When our immune systems do not function properly, it triggers disease and ill health.
The immune system itself consists of a complex system that involves structures and systems that safeguard people from disease. Both cellular and molecular components make up the system. These components are separated into mechanisms, which are adaptive to certain pathogens and those that are innate to specific organisms.
The First Line of Defense
Innate immunity, then, is the first line of defense in the immune system. The responses remain the same for potential pathogens, regardless of their variations. Innate immunity includes barriers, such as a saliva and skin, and cells, such as basophils, neutrophils, and macrophages. These components are ready to serve and protect an organism during the first days of an infection.
Adaptive Immunity – The Second Line of Defense
If this first line of defense becomes overburdened, the second line of defense, or adaptive immunity comes into play. This second line of defense responds specifically to a pathogen or a foreign invader. Adaptive immunity includes the use of antibodies, which target the foreign substances taking up residence in the bloodstream. T-cells are also part of adaptive immunity, and are used to kill infections or control an antibody response.
Because the immune system is balanced and regulated, any type of imbalance can lead to disease. Therefore, much study in the field has gone toward immune system dysfunctions. For example, immunodeficiency, as previously stated, involves an immune system disorder that impairs the body’s ability to defend itself against disease.
There are two types of immunodeficiencies – those that occur because of heredity, which are primary, and those that happen later in life, known as secondary. These immunodeficiencies often follow an infection.
Autoimmune Diseases
Autoimmune diseases result when the immune system attacks the body that it is designed to protect. Primary autoimmune diseases include rheumatoid arthritis or type-1 diabetes. They can also be localized to the digestive tract, or be systemic, such as in the case of lupus.
Allergies are disorders that are hypersensitive in nature, and happen when the immune system reacts to harmless foreign substances. This damages the body’s tissues. While just about any substance may trigger an allergy, it often results from eating a food, such as peanuts, or inhaling an airborne substance, such as pollen.
Aloe to the Rescue
Immune system disorders and infections can easily be treated with aloe, as scientists have found that aloe creates an effective barrier toward infection. This is because the plant can be used to cleanse and detoxify the system. Couple that with aloe’s nutrient-rich makeup. For example, vitamin A, alone, helps create a strong immune system, fighting off bacterial threats or viruses in the body. Vitamin C, in the plant, also fights off infections.
A Protector and Cleanser
If you run down the line of vitamins found in aloe, they all support a healthy immune system – a system that is free of disease and allergy-free. For example, vitamin B1 helps to maintain the immune system while vitamin B3 cleanses the body of toxic materials.
As noted, aloe also contains a polysaccharide sugar known as acemannan. The sugar possesses antiviral properties and stimulates immune system functioning. In addition, fatty acids in the plant possess antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.
As indicated, the plant’s ability to detoxify helps maintain a healthy immune system. Aloe gives the body a much better opportunity to fight off infection, as it has many nutrients that will keep the immune system in check.
In the gel itself, the polysaccharides are a primary component. The sugars produce the gel’s thickness. Some of the components in polysaccharides impact the immune system functioning or irritate the system. However, they do so in a good way. When the immune system receives the compounds, it looks at them as a threat, so anyone susceptible to infection remains healthier and disease-free. Most people who consume aloe have fewer colds, allergies, and infections overall.
Use Aloe as Your Defense
You don’t want to leave your immune system vulnerable to viruses or bacteria. Doing so can lead to illnesses that are difficult to treat. That is why you need aloe for a defense, along with the practice of good health habits.
Ways Infections are Transmitted
With that being said, infections can be spread in a number of ways. Germs can be transferred on an airplane, or you can touch the button on an elevator and eventually get sick. In addition, dining out can lead to an eventual infection. In fact, one of the most common ways people transfer infections is by hand-to-food contact. The people who prepare or serve your food in a restaurant can easily contaminate what you eat.
Keep Your Cell Phone Sanitized
Another hot zone for a viral infection is the cell phone. Studies confirm that the electronics are definitely germy and are ridden with disease-causing microbes spanning from the keypad to the mouthpiece. So, whenever you text a message or call someone, you transfer infectious germs from your mouth to the phone and from the phone to your mouth. This item should be cleaned with a sanitizer, made up of one cup of isopropyl alcohol, one-half cup aloe, and one tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide for good measure. Mix up the ingredients and decant them into a pump bottle. You should disinfect your cell phone each day.
If you are a frequent flier, you can also spread infections and receive them. Any frequent business traveler is exposed to a host of germs via planes and during hotel stays. In addition, travelling takes a toll on the immune system because stress and lack of sleep runs you down. This can lead to a vitamin deficiency if you are not consuming aloe in some form regularly.
You also have to be careful about how you prepare food. Wash your hands when preparing meats and make sure you separate kitchen utensils and wash them immediately. You just never know what germs could lead to a possible illness.
To establish the right line of defense, again, you need to support your diet with aloe vera. Aloe vera can be added to smoothies or included in healthful juices. You can also include the gel in some recipes.
One Aloe Recipe You Have to Try
For example, you can poach aloe vera and serve it over plain yogurt. You can make this unique recipe with the following ingredients:
- 1 cup sugar or the equivalent in a sweetener
- The juice from a fresh lime or two tablespoons of lime juice
- 2 large aloe leaves
The leaves can be difficult to peel because the gel is slippery. However, you still need to make sure you get rid of all the green peeling, as it is both bitter and tough. Cube the aloe and add it into a saucepan along with the lime juice and sugar or sweetener. Cook the aloe over low heat until it loses its sliminess and the gel cubes’ texture resembles that of grapes. Allow to cool before serving over the yogurt.
Stay safe and healthy. Use aloe to prevent immunological infections and keep you in the best of health.